- Smile and be open and honest with everyone, they will be your next solution.
- Come from a good family, this will make number one easy.
- Be the first to visit a place.
- Fear is your friend.
- Money is everywhere on the planet, you will have money.
- Change all the time, adapt.
- Common sense
- Do not try to change people, do not feel sorry for people.
- Share your knowledge with everyone that ask, however offer prudently.
- Recognize angry people and walk away fast, no regrets.
- Do what you like and not the guidebook or other people.
- Save the world, people with a desire to stop problems in the world, Starvations, religions, or self appointed saviors of the planet, they are normally self-appointed victims, they will volunteer to be victims in another country, they are searching for problems.
- Alcoholics or drug users.
- People that do not read.
- Lazy.
- People that talk about sex, not the same a people that talk about pretty people.
- People that disobey the laws.
- Shoppers
- Impatient people or people that complain about weather.
- Say Hello, to all other travelers. You never know when you need help.
- Theft. Out of site, out of mind. Do not show people what you have. People steal what they can see. EXAMPLE: Walking around with a camera. Put it in a backpack.
- Always take a taxi, or bus, etc from bus station to hotel.
- Store you passport, travel check information in you e-mail box. Scan
- Carry a Padlock, Place it on a door. Put eyelet screw on door if possible or when needed, use your own lock.
- Do not look rich, dress, jewelry, tourist clothes, expensive backpack.
- Take long pants on all bus rides. Take lots of clothes.
- Take lots of pictures, its all that will remain.
- Let me look at the mattress please.
- Do you have free water?
- Do you have free breakfast?
- Do you have hot water showers
- Do you heat with Electricity? Solar? Gas?
- Is the hot water 24 hours a day?
- Do you have the hasp, so I can put on my own lock?
- Are the showers free?
- Can I bring friend into the hotel, or my room?
- Do you have cable TV? HBO, Cinecanal?
- Do you have a book exchange?
- Do not drink beverages, other than water. $3
- Electric Hot Plate to cook, $2 Day
- Guidebook for rooms. $2 Day
- Water purification drops. $1 Day
- Take overnight bus. $1 Day
- Rent rooms in hotels with free water. $1 Day
- Travel, or share a room with a friend $1 Day
- Wash you own clothes .50
- Eat only 1 sit down meal a day and eat in market for the others.
- Stay for one month in each location and negotiate a price of room for 1/2 normal price.
- Teach English
- Waiter or Waitress
- Pick Fruit
- Cook food at hostel for a month
- Reception of desk.
- Massage Therapist
- Dive master
- Tour guide, or selling tours
- Graphic on computer. Trade for room
- Travel Agency.
- Walking around with camera around neck.
- Cleaning people steal from your hotel room.
- Putting things in the compartment above the seat in the bus.
- Walking from the bus to the hotel with you backpack.
- Whenever you put a backpack of any sorts on the ground next to you.
- From other you trust. If they have traveled a long time...?
- Walking away from the automatic teller machine.
- By Police
- People that do not lock their doors when they go to toilet.
- People that say, "The are very honest here, they would never rob me."
- Getting hit by cars.
- Having sex with the locals.
- Walking home very drunk after midnight.
- Walking through groups of drunk people.
- Tours, with bad guides. That is the job of a guide to protect you.
- Getting involved with religious concerns.
- Getting involved in political causes.
- Complaining to the police.
- Electricity in showers.
- Military coup situations / or demonstrations.
- I know someone who was safe, therefore it is safe.
- I got off the bus, and they offered me a place...
- All the travelers are trustworthy...
- The guidebook is terrible, nothing is right.
- They are a peaceful people....
- It never happened in the past...
- My friend told me...
- Their website said they were the cheapest Spanish school in South America
This one was quite funny. The person was paying 3 times what they needed to pay in Quito, Ecuador. I luckily kept my mouth shut. - They are poor because the rich keep them poor.
- I will give the stuff to the owner of hotel to hold.
- Go to all the hotels that cater to you country, or owned by you country.
- Travel very fast, and only stay in a city two days. Go on all the tours.
- Go to see the tourist sites, and not the people
- Eat Pizza a lot, or Spaghetti. Go to Vegetarian restaurants.
- Drive a car, and never take the bus.
- Never leave the resort.
- Get a guide that speaks your own language.
- Bad haircuts
- People complain about you country, and culture
- The pizza cheese sucks
- People try to convince me all the time to change. Example: Be a vegetarian, or to convince you to not like your country.
- You will find out how lucky you are.
- You have to see all sorts of human bodily functions
- A future husband or wife will want you to live in one location.
- Subscribe to Newsletter on information you want to learn.
- Listen and ask questions but do never try or say a person that has visited a country knows less than a person that has not.
- Read the Encyclopedia on the place. Facts are better than guidebooks.
- Find free WebPages like Geocities where people post honest information.
- Find Logs or Blogs on subject.